Saturday, April 11, 2020

Writing Challenge Task 3

Super Easter Milo
1\3 cup of milk
5 teaspoons of milo 
2\3 cup of hot water
1 easter egg
3 white marshmellows
3 pink marshmellows

thins you will need
a jug
a teaspoon
a cup

  1. put 5 teaspoons of milo into the cup
  2. put in 1\3 cup of milk 
  3. use teaspoon to stir
  4. add in 2\3 cup of hot water
  5. put in one easter egg in and stir
  6. add 3 white marshmellows and 3 pink marshmellows
  7. now you can drink.


  1. Hi Mila!
    That milo sounds DEVINE! I've never thought to add an easter egg to my drink. I do love to get marshmallows in my hot chocolate when I go to a cafe though. I hope you had a happy easter.
    Stay safe,

  2. Hi Mila,

    We are going to try your Devine Milo tonight! Sugar is the probably the last thing my kids need right before bed but who cares! I will let you know how it goes.


    Mrs B.


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